07 January 2014

Danum Valley Conservation Area

Prior to may 1995, Danum Valley Conservation Area (DVCA) was an informal protected area in the Ulu Segama Forest Reserve of primary, undisturbed, predominantly lowland rainforest with an outstanding complement of Borneo flora and fauna. It was part of the almost one million ha forest concession assigned to Yayasan Sabah. In 1976, WWF-malaysia suggested that the area be declared a national park. The Danum Valley Conservation Area (DVCA) is a 438 sq. km tract. However, Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustess resolved on November 28, 1980, to leave the area within Yayasan Sabah concession but shall leave it unlogged for the purpose of conservation. Thereafter it is known as "Danum Valley Conservation Area".

The area would be administered informally as Conservation Area in recognition of its outstanding biodiversity value. To help justify forgoing such a large financial opportunity, the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees resolved to make use of Danum Valley for purposes of research and education, which are in line with its charitable mission.

In 1982, the Interagency Danum Valley Management Committee was established, comprising Yayasan Sabah, the Sabah Forestry Department, the sabah Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Evironment, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and several other agencies.

The Forest Management Plan for Yayasan Sabah Concession Area was drawn up and approved by the State Cabinet in 1984. Principle to this plan was the designation of two areas as protected conservation areas, one of which being the Danum Valley Conservation Area. In May 1995, the area was declared a Class I (protection) Forest Reserve by the Sabah Legislative Assembly, meaning that it cannot be logged except by decisions of a two thirds majority vote by the Sabah Legislative Assembly. In 1999, Danum Valley Conservation Area was further gazetted under The Cultural Heritage (Conservation) Enactment 1998, as a Cultural Heritage (Conservation) Area

source : www.danumvalley.info

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