10 January 2014

Orchid Park

Situated next to Astana (the official Residence of the State Governor), across the Sarawak River and opposite, the Kuching Waterfront, Kuching Orchid Garden, has become an icon for Kuching. The 3.54 acres garden overlooks the magnificent new Sarawak State Legislative Assembly building. The Construction of the garden commenced in November 2007 and was completed in May 2009 is one of the tourist attractions, offering visitors knowledge and information on orchids and other related plants. It has a collection of 75,000 orchids from 65 epiphytic and terrestrial species and hybrid, growing in open and shaded areas resembling their natural habitats. The garden features the world-renowned Borneo Orchids, known for its beauty and potentials as horticultural plants.

Among the famous Borneo Orchids found in the garden are the ladys’ slipper Paphiopetilum Saderianum, a unique green and black-flowered orchid, Coelogyne Pandurata, the Vanda dearie and the “Normah Orchid” Phalaenopsis Bellina which was declared the state flower of Sarawak on 28 August 1983. The Normah Orchid-light green in colour and flushed with bright purple towards the base has been use to produce many colourful star-shaped novelty hybrids.

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